UNOOSA and VEGA-C are Providing Satellite Slots for Developing Countries

Depiction of VEGA-C (Credit: Avio S.p.A.)

The goal of Access to Space for All is to provide research and orbital opportunities to access space and to ensure that the benefits of space, in particular for sustainable development, are truly accessible to all.  Under Access to Space for All, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and Avio S.p.A. (Avio) have joined forces at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly to announce an agreement to cooperate on providing institutions from UN Member States, in particular developing countries, with the opportunity to apply to use, free of charge, satellite slots for 1U CubeSat or aggregates using a Vega-C rocket.

The mission will be open to all Member States of the United Nations, and developing countries are particularly encouraged to participate.

A set of webinars is organized in the context of the collaboration with Avio to enable participants to make the most of this opportunity.


Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is on 4 April 2021 at 23:59 CET, Applications shall be submitting using the application form below:

  • Announcement of Opportunity
  • Application Form ( docpdf). Please ONLY use the doc for submission, the pdf is only provided in case you may have compatibility issues with word document.
  • Videos and presentations on the opportunity and application form will be made available shortly


The most asked questions are compiled in the Frequently Asked Questions document. If your question is not answered there, please send us an e-mail to unoosa-access-to-space [at]

A matchmaking platform has been created so potential applicants can look for partnerships (or offer partnerships). Click here to register.


Note that the reference documentation will be made available once the Announcement of Opportunity opens, the documents hereafter are just for orientation purposes, but should not be used for design purposes.


Webinar 1: Collaboration UNOOSA AVIO – Click on the links for the recordings

  • Introduction: Access to Space for All
  • UNOOSA/AVIO Cooperation
    • UNOOSA and AVIO cooperation
    • AVIO in a nutshell
  • VEGA C Description
  • Advantages and Challenges of this Opportunity
  • Q&A

Presentations: UNOOSA and AVIO in PDF and recordings UNOOSA AVIO CooperationAVIO in a nutshell and VEGA C descriptionChallenges and Opportunities and Q&A Session;

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