Application opens for Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition African Regional Finals


Annually, the ECSL and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) organizes the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition with over 60 teams participating. The 1st Africa Regional Round was hosted in Pretoria, South Africa by the Aerospace Industry Support Initiative (AISI), an initiative of the South African Department of Trade and Industry managed by the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) with four participating universities representing South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria.

The aims of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition (the “Competition”) are to promote the interest, involvement and knowledge of space law among students by providing a fair and competitive environment for the exchange of thoughts and the deepening of understanding of space law.

Since its inception by the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) in 1992, the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition has grown to cover four world regions: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Africa (added in 2012). For the first time since joining in 2012, AFRICA wins the Lachs moot world finals in 2018.

Among these regions, registered teams get exclusive on-line access to papers of the IISL’s Colloquium Proceedings from 2005 to date. Also many useful and interesting documents are freely accessible with an unparalleled learning experience to all teams at all levels in a fair and cordial environment.

The winner of the regional round will represent the Africa region at the World Finals, to be held in conjunction with the International Astronautical Congress and the winner also gets the financial support to attend the World Finals.

The competition is particularly distinguished by the tradition of judges of the International Court of Justice presiding over and judging the World Final. The World Finals competition takes place within the framework of the IISL’s annual Colloquium, which is a contained event in the International Astronautical Congress held on a different continent each year.

The 2019 Manfreds Lachs Moot Court will be organized as always by the ECSL in collaboration with the University of Paris-Sud in Paris, France, from the 21st to 24th of May.

The Rules

For the 2019 Manfreds Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition rules, visit,

For registration, visit 

Timeline for the 2019 Africa Rounds of the Manfred Lachs Moot Court 
15 January 2019 (Tuesday)- Deadline for Submission of Requests for
31 January 2019(Thursday)- Deadline for the Author of the Problem to give
response to Requests for Clarifications
13 February 2019 (Wednesday)- Registration Deadline
13 March 2019 (Wednesday)- Deadline for Memorials
9-10 May 2019 (Thursday – Friday)- Regional Oral Rounds in Pretoria, South Africa

This competition encourages further development on the subject matter of space law in the curriculum of academic institutions and assists participating countries in developing the technical legal capacity by preparing the next generation of space lawyers and also provides a platform for the students, where the analysis, drafting, presentation and arguing skills of an upcoming lawyer are put to test.

For questions regarding the competition, contact Chief director Mfuni Majaja at

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