The 8th BRICS Astronomy Working Group Workshop (BAWG 2022) will be held between October 18 – 20, 2022. This meeting is hosted by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.
The first BRICS Astronomy Working Group Workshop started in 2015 when the Astronomy Working Group was established. It has been held as an annual event by different BRICS countries ever since. Following the success of the previous seven BAWG meetings, BAWG 2022 is a continuation of the efforts to promote scientific collaboration in the frontiers of astronomy among scientists in all the BRICS countries and beyond and is open to all interested scientists.
The BAWG meeting will be held over three days, with the BRICS Astronomy Workshop on the first two days and the last day reserved for the BRICS Astronomy Working Group meeting.
Based on the resolutions of the BAWG 2019 meeting, the BRICS Astronomy flagship project ‘The BRICS Intelligent Telescope and Data Network (BITDN)’ was established, which plans to involve forefront observational facilities and the big data/compute infrastructure to conduct research in the area of time domain astronomy.
This flagship astronomy project is a collaborative scientific enterprise, drawing on the strengths of all five BRICS partners while at the same time seeking to address in-country socio-economic development challenges. The flagship project’s development will form the main theme of this meeting: “The BITDN Flagship programme: Transients, Surveys and Time Domain Astronomy”.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the meeting will be virtual. Kindly follow this link to register for the event.
Important information
- DATE: October 18 – 20, 2022
- TIME:19:00 (GMT+08:00) China
- TIME ZONES: 08:00 (GMT-3:00) Brazil / 13:00 (GMT+2:00) South Africa /
14:00 (GMT+3:00) Russia / 16:30 (GMT+5:30) India
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