Call for Applicants: 74th IAC in Baku, Azerbaijan


The international space event, International Astronautical Congress (IAC), invites students and young professionals to offer their input on the following plenary session topics.

  1. The 21st Century’s Moonshot: Critical Technologies Policies and Business Models to thrive on the moon
  2. The Open-Source Revolution and Space Data Accessibility 

After a globally competitive selection process, successful candidates will get the opportunity to participate in one proposed panel from 2-6 October 2023 at the 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Application Process

Applicants must be between the ages of 21- 35.

Round One 

Applicants must record a 15-second video describing the project subject they would present at the plenary session and why they should be selected to address the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Applicants must speak for the entire duration of the stipulated time. After uploading the video on Youtube,  the applicant should proceed to complete the plenary list application. 

Plenary List Application Links 

  • Topic 1

The 21st Century’s Moonshot: Critical Technologies Policies and Business Models to thrive on the moon. Apply here.

  • Topic 2

The Open-Source Revolution and Space Data Accessibility. Apply here.

Round Two

The round two subset of candidates will be selected from the above, and all entrants will be notified by 30 January 2023. The specific details of Round Two requirements will be sent to the candidates in the notification. In addition, selected candidates will be asked to create and post a three-minute video on YouTube as an unlisted video (NOT private). 

Deadline for submissions: 20 February 2023 (11:59 pm GMT). 

For more information on video specifications., click here.

Final Selection 

Finalists will be selected from these entries based on their impact, efficacy of messaging, and relevance to the plenary topics. In addition, consideration will be paid to the IAF’s 3G (Geography, Gender, Generation) diversity criteria. 

The selection panel will be looking for concrete descriptions of how the applicant is actively engaged with:

  • Topic 1: The 21st century’s Moonshot: Critical Technologies, Policies, and Business Models to thrive on the Moon.
  • Topic 2: The Open-Source Revolution and Space Data Accessibility, and why this area is vital to your work or studies. 

The IAF will make the final selection of plenaries for the IAC in Baku by the end of March. If selected for a panel, you will be coached on public speaking in preparation for the plenary, including monthly meetings with the other panellists and moderator.  Applicants will be notified of the outcome by April 1 2023.

Application Timeline

  • Application Deadline for Round 1: 09 January 2023
  • Outcome Notification to Round 1 Applicants: 30 January 2023
  • Submission Deadline for Round 2: 20 February 2023 
  • Plenary Proposal Outcome announced by IAF: End of March 2023 
  • Final Outcome Notification to Applicants: 01 April 2023

Additional links 

For funding Information. Click here.

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