The Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA, in beautiful Granada, Spain) has opened an internal call for potential scientific/technical profiles for postdoctoral positions. The AMIGA (Analysis of the Interstellar Medium of Isolated Galaxies) group, in charge of the development of a Prototype SKA Regional Centre (SRC) is looking for outstanding candidates to apply. In particular, AMIGA team is looking for two profiles that are described below. They would join the scientific team and strengthen the activities related to SKA science and the SRC prototype.
The AMIGA group will prepare a competitive project adjusted to the candidate’s background that will be submitted for the internal call deadline on July 19th. Interested candidates should contact AMIGA’s PI, Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro ( as soon as possible in order to prepare a competitive proposal.
Profile 1: Postdoc with a high level of maturity, an active researcher in the area of galaxy evolution, with a special emphasis on detailed studies of nearby galaxies using cm/mm radio-interferometric facilities (e.g. VLA, GMRT, MeerKAT, ASKAP, ALMA). Her/his role in the team would be to strengthen the scientific preparation for SKA developing her/his own scientific research line, and with a strong interaction with other members of the centre interested in those areas. As part of the preparation for key SKA projects, we aim to encourage the synergies between astronomers of the centre with expertise in radio interferometry and other wavelengths.
Profile 2: Active Postdoc in similar areas as Profile 1, although scientific activity in other areas will be considered as well, with expertise in commissioning or support of aforementioned facilities (or equivalent). Special weight will be given to expertise in the development of data processing pipelines for radio interferometry using cloud platforms. The postdoc would both carry out his/her own science and enhance the use of the SRC prototype by contributing to tools for the data analysis and exploitation of SKA pathfinder/precursor data.
The internal call opened by the IAA foresees two kind of postdoc positions, corresponding to two levels of expertise, one of them corresponding to up to 4 years (the 4th year being subject to satisfactory performance) and would include funding for 1 PhD student to be co-supervised by a staff member of the institute, and the other with a duration of up to 3 years (the 3rd year being subject to satisfactory performance). In both cases, the position will include funds to cover his/her travelling expenses. It is expected that both contracts would start in the last third of 2019.
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