CICOS and AGEOS to Organise Joint Regional Workshop


The International Commission of the Congo-Oubangui-Sangha Basin (CICOS) and the Gabonese Agency for Space Study and Observation (AGEOS) are organising a joint regional workshop. The workshop will take place from May 26 to 28, 2021, in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The workshop is organised under the umbrella of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS).

The theme is “Synergy of actions in Central Africa for a sustainable management of natural resources through earth observation data”. It is an implementation of the continental programme; GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) & Africa. It is a joint initiative between the European Union and the African Union, under the management of the African Union Commission through the Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology.

By the regional workshop, an opportunity is presented for the two institutions and their partners to exchange and share information and their respective experiences on the services and products provided and presently being developed about their different themes. The workshop will also encourage learning the expectations of ECCAS concerning its regional policy on natural resources to better capitalise on the results of these two thematic actions.

Aims of the Workshop 

  • Present the results of the GMES & Africa program in Central Africa; – 
  • Identify possible synergies of actions between the two consortia; – 
  • Adopt the planning for monitoring and capitalising on results by ECCAS.

The workshop will take place following a participatory process around communications and discussions in plenary and group work. Furthermore, the workshop will also include exhibition space for various partners and users to exhibit their products and services. The organisers will thus organise a visit to the exhibition stands to demonstrate the practical applications of Earth Observation on the field.
The organisers expect about 60 participants at the workshop. 

For more information on the GMES & Africa programme, please visit hereAdditionally, for more details on the AGEOS Consortium (SEFAC Project), visit hereLastly, for more information on the CICOS Consortium, interested persons should visit hereFor the Available Documents and contact details of resource persons, do visit here

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