The GMES and Africa Programme is set to hold its second service workshop for Marine and Coastal Areas in Cape Town, South Africa, from May 22 to 24, 2024. The workshop, organised by the GMES & Africa Phase II programme agreement with the European Commission, aims to foster collaborations for enhancing the development, management, utilisation, and exchange of geospatial information.
Furthermore, it will be held with the two consortia implementing G&A Marine and Coastal Areas Services: Marine and Coastal Areas Management in North and West Africa (MarCNoWA) and Marine and Coastal Operations for Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (MarCOSIO). In addition, the workshop aims to promote interregional cooperation, provide updates on the progress of the GMES & Africa programme, share experiences and insights from the perspective of end-users, review cross-fertilisation efforts and explore opportunities for collaboration with other Earth Observation (EO) initiatives in Africa.
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