Plan to Attend The Astronomical Site Selection Workshop for Egyptian Large Optical Telescope


The Astronomical Site Selection Workshop for Egyptian Large Optical Telescope is dedicated to the characterization of astronomical sites in Egypt. The development of Astronomy in emerging Egyptian Large Optical Telescope (ELOT), where the development of astronomy In Egypt and the middle East is more and more topical, and where Egypt is always at the top of Arabic region.

The aim of this workshop is to draw up a roadmap on how to identify geographical areas that could lead to potential sites to host ELOT. The workshop will benefit astronomers in this region from experiences carried out elsewhere, particularly from the site selection programs in the framework of the Egyptian Large Optical Telescope


  • Astronomical optical turbulence
  •  Sky Transparency
  • Sky Darkness
  • Light Pollution
  •  Weather Conditions
  • Astroclimatic Stations (with technical session)
  • Site Surveys

Date: June 9-10, 2020

Place: National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Helwan, Cairo Egypt

Duration: 2 days

Invited Speakers:

  • Gamal Eldin Nageeb (NRIAG)
  • Casiana Muñoz-Tuñon (IAC)
  • Marc Sarazin (ESO)
  • Sergio Ortolani (UNI-Pd)
  • Jose Rodriguez-Espinosa (IAC)
  • Benkhaldoun Zouhair (UCA/ArAS)
  • David Valls-Gabaud (OP)

To join meeting:

Organizing committee:

  1. Prof. Hadia Selim
  2. Prof. Mohamed Nooh
  3. Prof. Ashraf Lateef
  4. Assoc. Prof. Elbaz
  5. Mr. Mohamed Shaban
  6. Mr. Mohamed Said
  7. Ms. Mona Molhem

For more information, contact 01091014984 or email:

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