Apply for the International Space Weather Camp 2024


The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) invites final-year BEng/BSc or Masters students majoring in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or Electronics to apply for its 2024 International Space Weather Camp. The 2024 International Space Weather Camp will be hosted by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), USA, from 17 June to 12 July 2024.

The International Space Weather Camp (ISWC) provides an incredible opportunity for students from South Africa, the USA and Germany to learn about space weather, a relatively new and exciting field involving the study of the Sun and its influence on space and the Earth’s upper atmosphere.


The ISWC (formerly JSWSC, Joint Space Weather Summer Camp) was a partnership initially between DLR, the University of Rostock and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAHuntsville). The collaboration was extended in 2015, with SANSA joining DLR and UAHuntsville in participating and hosting a trilateral arrangement.

  • Applicants must be final year BSc Hon/BEng or Masters students in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Electronics and must be South African citizens or permanent residents; and
  • Preference will be given to students with no space weather background.
  • Successful applicants will be fully funded to attend two weeks of lectures and practicals at each hosting facility (UAH, Huntsville, USA: 17 – 28 June and DLR, Neustrelitz, Germany: 1 – 12 July ); and
  • Funding includes return flights, visas, accommodation, meals and subsistence, and airport transfers.
How to Apply

Interested students must apply here by 11 February 2024.

Additional Information

Applicants MUST have a valid passport for travel to Germany and the US by 11 March 2024 to be eligible to apply for visas to these countries. 

For More Information, click here.

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