Attend Online Training on Socio-Economic Valuation of Degraded Lands and Wetlands


The RCMRD-GMES Africa project is collaborating with the Geo-Spatial Research Institute to host an online training on the socio-economic valuation of degraded lands and wetlands. The objective of the training is to raise awareness to the Cost of Land and Wetland Degradation (COLWED) tool, and build the capacity of stakeholders on the applications and use of the tool. 

Cost of Land and Wetland Degradation (COLWED) is an earth observation-based tool, intended for sustainable socioeconomic valuation of natural resources, to support monitoring as well as restoration of degraded ecosystems by informing policy intervention processes at regional and national levels. The COLWED tool was developed through a collaborative effort by RCMRD and GRI. 

Important Dates 

  • Mar 6, 2023, 10:00 AM EAT
  • Mar 7, 2023,10:00 AM EAT
  • Mar 8, 2023,10:00 AM EAT

To register for the training click here. For additional information contact the following email address 


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