Apply for the DARA-AP Basic Training Programme


Africa is emerging as a focal point for astronomy, with ongoing construction of the mid-frequency dishes for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) in South Africa. There are plans to establish dishes in eight SKA African Partner Countries: Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, and Zambia.

South Africa hosts South African Large Telescope (SALT), one of the world’s largest optical telescopes with a 10 m diameter mirror. The Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy project offers a basic training programme to boost astronomy development.

This programme allows qualified individuals to learn astrophysics and radio astronomy fundamentals and gain practical experience.

The training, which will be held in Kenya and South Africa, will be delivered by experts from Kenya, South Africa, and the UK.

The training will feature hands-on optical astronomy training at the Turkana Basin Institute in northern Kenya and practical radio astronomy training at the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory in South Africa.

In addition, participants will receive training in computer skills, focusing on Linux and Python.

Moreover, the programme will offer guidance on leveraging astronomy techniques for industrial opportunities, provided by experts in the space sector

The basic training programme will consist of: 

  • Eight  weeks of lectures, workshops and hands-on sessions spread out over a year; 
  • Trainees will receive a certificate of completion and can request a reference letter from their trainers; 
  • Trainees can apply for advanced astronomy training at the Master’s or PhD level.
Eligibility for the DARA-AP Basic Training Programme

In South Africa, the programme welcomes current or recent Honours graduates from historically disadvantaged institutions interested in astronomy training. Furthermore, applicants do not need prior astrophysics experience but should have studied physics, mathematics, computing, or engineering.

In addition, students currently studying or employed must obtain a permission letter from their Head of Department or line manager. The letter will state that they will be granted the necessary time off to attend the training programme.

Training Package
  • The University of Leeds fully funds the basic training programme, and students will not have to pay fees or other costs; and
  • The training package includes accommodation, out-of-pocket allowance, meals and travel to the training venues in South Africa and Kenya. 
How to Apply for the DARA-AP Basic Training Programme

Applicants should complete the application form and send it together with a CV, passport copy (if in possession) and transcripts to the following contact from the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) by 20 August 2024:

In addition, all application emails must have in copy,

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