The Max Planck Society is offering mentorship programmes to mentors and mentees at African universities and research institutions under the African Research Talents Experiencing Mentoring In Science (ARTEMIS) programme. The programme is aimed at interested mentees (students, graduates or doctoral candidates) at African universities and research institutes who are looking for advice on how to advance their studies or scientific career. With the support of mentors, mentees are given the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience and to enhance their personal and professional skills in order to define and realize their career goals. As a result, they can build an international network very early in their career.
The society is also seeking junior scientists in Max Planck Institutes (PhDs and Postdocs) who are interested in scientific exchange with students and junior researchers in African countries and the African cultural environment. The goal is to support the mentees in Africa to complete their scientific studies and to advise them in pursuing a scientific career. Also, the mentors should provide their knowledge and experience on a scientific and, where appropriate, on a personal level.
The aim of the programme is for both partners to learn from each other. The mentors receive the opportunity to improve their leadership and communication skills, develop their
intercultural competence and make an important contribution to advancing students and junior scientists in Africa. Likewise, the mentees receive advice and guidance on how to
continue their studies, how to apply for scientific positions, and how to prepare project
proposals. Furthermore, they can gain international experience through visits to the Max Planck Institutes. In addition, they will receive important support on their way to becoming the next generation of researchers, leaders and professionals in African countries.
- A one-year collaboration between ten mentors and mentees each;
- Training for the mentors to prepare them for the leadership tasks and effective
communication; - Funding of EUR 1,500 (USD 1,578) for a one-week research stay of the mentees at the respective Max Planck Institutes (airfare, housing and per diem).
Details of the mentorship programme
- At the beginning of the one-year programme, mentor and mentee jointly identify what contribution they can each make to the success of their mentorship relationship.
- They determine how much time they will invest in the twelve-month programme and
what goals they would like to achieve. This includes, for example, a one-week stay of
the mentee at the Max Planck Institute of the mentor at the expense of the
programme to get an insight of the work at a Max Planck Institute, to deepen his/her
knowledge and to expand his/her network. - In addition, mentors receive leadership training to learn how to communicate
effectively and successfully lead the mentor-mentee pair toward their desired goals. - Communication should work via email, phone and/or video conference. Mentor and
mentee agree on how frequently the exchange should take place. - To measure the success (and improvement, if necessary) of the programme, a questionnaire will be provided at the end of the mentoring period to determine
whether the intended goals and expectations associated with the programme have
been met and what improvements are recommended.
Necessary documents
- Curriculum vitae;
- Letter of motivation;
- Completed questionnaire;
- Mentors: letter of support from their Max Planck Director
interested mentees and mentors can send their documents by email to Dr Michaela Hergersberg
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