Apply to the IAF Launchpad Mentorship Programme


 The International Astronautical Federation is inviting aerospace professionals to apply for the third edition of the IAF Launchpad Mentorship Programme. The goal of the programme is to launch the careers of aerospace professionals through one-to-one mentorship, which will form a leadership pipeline that will support the sustainability of the IAF.

The programme will provide support during an applicant’s career change. It will provide opportunities for skills development and enterprise while steering them towards achieving their professional development goals.

Requirements: Eligibility criterion 

  • Applicants from any country may apply.
  • Must be within 10 years of completing a terminal degree or a career change however, may not still be in school.
  • No age restrictions however, applicants between the ages of 25 and 40 will be prioritised.
  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are active within the following professional organisations; Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), International Astronautical Congress Committee ( IAC Committee), American Institute of Aeronautics(AIAA), International Academy of Astronautics(IAA )and International Institute of Space Law( IISL).
  • Mentee application form.
  • Submission of a 2-page resume.
  • A minimum of one reference letter for the IAF member organisation.

Applicants will be selected based on their career goals, educational and career background as well the applicants’ expectations from their prospective mentor.

Key Dates 

  • Mentee Applications Close on December 25, 2022,
  • Mentee Selections Announced: early February 2023
  • 2023 Programme Period: February – August 2023

How to apply

 Follow this link to apply and to obtain additional information. To contact the organisers, use the following email address:


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