Register for the WeMAST Training Course

Source: GMES and Africa

The Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Platform for Transboundary River Basins in Southern Africa (WeMAST) project has announced a training course on Earth Observation (EO) Data Access and Analytics using Google Earth Engine Cloud-Computing Platform for wetlands monitoring and assessment. The course is designed to develop fundamental knowledge and technical proficiency in Google Earth Engine Cloud-Computing and EO applications in Wetland Monitoring and Assessment. The GMES and Africa Support Programme fund the training, a joint initiative of the African Union and European Commission. The training course targets River Basin Organizations, National Water/ Environmental Authorities, Academic and Research institutions, Private Sector, Local Community Representatives, Non-Governmental Organisations, and Women in Natural and Water Resources Management. Women’s participation is strongly encouraged.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Participants are expected to have the following;
  • Knowledge of how Google Earth Engine (GEE) and remote sensing are applied in wetland monitoring and assessment.
  • Understanding of the GEE cloud-computing platform and how it works.
  • Technical proficiency in the use of the GEE platform.

 Mode of Training

The training will take place in a classroom setting in Cape Town, South Africa. Participants must bring their laptops capable of performing basic geospatial and remote sensing analyses. The GMES and Africa digital learning platform will freely avail the training materials.

Important Dates 

  • Deadline for registration: 06 March 2023.
  • Course dates: 16 to 17 March 2023.

Visit here to register for the training.


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