SAAO Calls for Quotation: Lead Pots (Lead, Aluminium, and Anodising)


The South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) seeks to appoint suppliers capable of supplying the goods and services required for manufacturing the “Lead Pots” their clients need. The goods and services consist of three individual requests for quotes: the supply and delivery of aluminium round bar and plates, the supply and delivery of lead mouldings, the anodising of the aluminium, and delivery of completed work to the SAAO workshop in Observatory, Cape Town. Potential suppliers can quote on all requests or selected individual requests, and it is not required to quote on all of them.

The documents required for each request bid can be downloaded by clicking on the following links:

  1. NRF/SAAO/2021/007 – Aluminium for Lead Pots
  2. NRF/SAAO/2021/008 – Lead Pots
  3. NRF/SAAO/2021/009 – Anodising

Please note that:

  • The request bids are required to be submitted electronically for this tender.
  • The closing of tender submissions will be at 11:00 on Wednesday, 14 July 2021, and no late submissions will be considered.
  • You can refer all queries to the supply chain management department

Supplier Registration

Any company that wishes to register as a supplier with the SAAO must be registered on the supplier database. The SAAO has moved away from a shared database with the National Research Foundation and will use the Central Supplier Database (CSD) of the National Treasury. The database offers the benefit of a central portal for suppliers to register once-off, and all government departments, state-owned enterprises, and publicly funded institutions will have access to these suppliers.

About SAAO

The SAAO is the national centre for optical and infrared astronomy in South Africa. Its primary role is to conduct fundamental research in astronomy and astrophysics by providing a world-class facility to scientists. The SAAO also promotes astronomy and astrophysics in Southern Africa by sharing research findings and participating in outreach activities to enthuse citizens about physics and astronomy.

For additional information, please visit SAAO’s website.

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